
Notice of new Facia Ginza in Singapore


Dear Customers

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support.

Since our recent announcement, we have received support from various customers. We would like to express our sincere gratitude for the support we have received from various customers since our recent announcement.

We are pleased to announce the reopening of “Facia Ginza” as a new directly managed store in Singapore.

The new information is as follows.

Please note that the location, website, contact information, etc. are different from those of the previous store.


Store name: Facia Ginza Singapore – Clarke Quay

Adress: 8 Eu Tong Sen Street #12-83 Singapore

Web: https://faciaginza.com.sg

Phone: +65 9661 3662 (Whatsapp )


We regret to inform you that we are currently experiencing serious trademark infringement by a past franchisee.

Even after the termination of the contract, they are still using our logo and domain name to attract customers, and despite repeated requests to remove the logo and domain name, they have not responded.

In addition, we have received reports from customers that the company has been soliciting customers who have inquired about our services while operating under a different store name in violation of the franchise agreement at a past store property.

In addition, all of the previously Facia Ginza trained staff have stopped working there.

We are currently working on the matter with the help of specialists, but as we cannot expect an immediate improvement.

We are sorry to inform you of the situation here, but please be careful not to make a mistake.


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